

Pascal, Blaise

  1. A seventeenth-century French mathematician, scientist, and religious thinker. Pascal came to believe that reason alone could not satisfy people's hopes and aspirations and that religious faith was therefore necessary. His religious thoughts are collected in Pensées( Thoughts ).

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“Pascal's wager” refers to Pascal's idea that it is prudent to believe in God's existence, as little can be lost if there is no God, and eternal happiness can be gained if there is one.

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Example Sentences

Blaise Pascal experimented here in the density of air; hence the presence of his statue below.

Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician, composed at sixteen a tract on the conic sections.

Blaise Pascal, that colossal genius, has been probably their most successful enemy.

Blaise Pascal is one of the chief intellectual glories of France.

Blaise Pascal, one of the greatestPg 87 geniuses of all times, was attaching himself to the Jansenists.



